Over this stretch wherein I have been experiencing some technical difficulties (i.e. wobbling etc.), I have received many beautiful messages of encouragement and love from you, and I wish for you to know how deeply these are felt and appreciated.

Please also know though that the reason these words are felt and appreciated so deeply is not because I am experiencing some great personal pain (I really couldn’t give two ferns about that, and I’d prefer you didn’t either), but because it is a truly beautiful thing to see such kindness and love in this world—This world needs all that love, humanity needs it, and while you are at it please shine it back at yourself too (know I’m shining it at you as well).

As for this physical glitchy thing or whatever I’ve been up to there, I do mean it when I say that for me it is just  a life trial to learn from, just another means of testing myself to see if, even through these new goggles, the glass still appears half full to me, and it does! Oh and in case your doubting my words, here’s just one short illustration of my silly tendencies: As a young girl when I chopped onions I would often begin to laugh hysterically at each chop, then when asked why, I claimed that chopping onions made me laugh instead of cry…See now of what I speak

In summary, this too is just an onion, most of us have to chop some sooner or later, and you know what they do add flavor…

And now back to the important things.


One thought on “…AND NOW BACK TO YOU

  1. When I was diagnosed with dissociative identity disorder, I was fortunate to have in my life some wonderful people who helped me find humor in the darkness. It was all the little things… Calling me to tell me to tune into a country radio station to hear “Lucky 4 U” then staying on the phone while I laughed myself breathless. Buying me the T-shirt that read “I hear voices and they don’t like you” and knowing only a handful of close friends knew it was true. My husband helped one of the alters I didn’t share consciousness to punk my wardrobe… Because that ability to laugh, when most of me wanted to run in front of a train, saved my life. Both literally and figuratively.
    I can let myself have snarky, bitchy moments because I know my default now is to find the positive… However bizarre or hard it may be too find, it’s there and when I’ve had a vent, I’ll find it and laugh again.
    Thank you.


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